Beef in Industry/ on the Road

Last in a three-part series. Read Part 1: Exclusive: Inside McDonald'southward quest for sustainable beefiness. Part 2:  How a Big Mac becomes sustainable.

In November 2010, the Who's Who of the global beef industry found their manner to Denver, Colo. About 350 of them: ranchers, feeders, packers, processors, wholesalers, retailers, restaurateurs, academics, authorities officials and activists of all stripes. They came from North and South America, Europe, Commonwealth of australia and across. Their adventurous goal: Determine if there was any common ground on which to define "sustainable beef."

As Jason Clay put information technology: "It was more tense than a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs."

Clay, senior vice president, market place transformation, at WWF, was a convener of the effect, dubbed the Global Conference on Sustainable Beef. Joining Clay at the host tabular array were executives from Cargill, Merck Animal Health, JBS, McDonald's and Wal-Mart. Each company had a multi-billion-dollar stake in the future of beef.

"These were people who never thought they'd be in the aforementioned room together, much less have a conversation," said Dirt. Simply, he added, "One time the discussion started, it was a fiddling bit easier and, I'd say, more respectful considering the fireworks that people expected didn't happen."

The event spurred an industry-wide dialogue on what it meant, and what it would accept, to produce sustainable beef. From that event came a global roundtable devoted to the discipline, the outlines of a sustainability standard and enough confidence on the part of McDonald's, the earth'southward largest fast-nutrient visitor, to announce a commitment this week to purchase sustainable beef starting in 2016.

McDonald'due south, along with the rest of the manufacture, had seen the writing on the befouled wall: public wellness warnings against saturated fat; concerns nigh man amnesty to antibiotics from residues of drugs used for cattle feed and therapy; protests against mill farming and creature cruelty; outbreaks of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, better known as mad cow disease; growing sensation of the water and energy intensiveness of producing beef, and the water and air pollution produced along the way; "Super Size Me," Meatless Mondays and more than.

"Ane of the things that this whole group had in mutual was that their livelihoods were nether set on," says Michele Banik-Rake, McDonald's director of sustainability, worldwide supply chain management. "They needed to detect some other style."

Finding shared solutions

Despite the sense of urgency, finding shared solutions wasn't an piece of cake path. "The beef industry isn't used to collaborating, and because there's all those different steps, they're all economically their ain slice of the pie," explained Jessica Droste Yagan, director of sustainable supply chain for McDonald's U.S. operations. "There isn't a long history of them coming together for a common purpose, or agreement what their common values are."

And nevertheless, that'southward exactly what they were in Denver to practise. The iii-twenty-four hours consequence was filled with keynotes and two-60 minutes workshops — breakouts on pasture management, carbon footprint measurement, animate being health and welfare, people practices and the like.

There were a lot of moving parts to consider. The beef supply concatenation is a sprawling ecosystem of players. "Just wait at the way the organizations are fix," said Cameron Bruett, main sustainability officeholder at JBS USA, the U.S. segmentation of the world's largest beef producer. "You have a cattlemen's clan. You have a cattle feeding association. You accept a meat processing association. Nosotros have very rarely looked at ourselves as an integrated chain because we're such a segregated industry."

Moreover, Bruett told me, in that location were some strange bedfellows in the room. "The NGO community has non e'er partnered with those elements of the chain in a completely productive manner. To see WWF, the National Wildlife Federation and all these other NGOs sitting in the room with producers, packers, retailers, restaurants and having a constructive dialogue — they were putting the arrows back in the quiver and but having a word on how practise nosotros improve this."

An early realization of the outcome is that many in the room felt they were already "sustainable." Everybody was addressing something, such as pasture direction techniques, engagement with rural communities and animal welfare. Every bit is often the case when groups of companies go together — from whatever sector — each comes to the table with its own definition of sustainability, and of what success looks like.

"For a lot of cattlemen, beef is a mode of life," explained Bruett. "Information technology'due south not only a business organization proffer for them. It's an operation that's been passed downwardly from generations. They experience that they're stewards of the country. They feel that they are the embodiment of sustainability. But once the moo-cow leaves the farm gate, they have often felt their participation in the chain ends."

Like the ranchers, most of those assembled in Denver hadn't looked at the full spectrum of issues around sustainability and beef. "When yous talk about sustainability with the beefiness industry, you're talking most natural resources, land use, h2o, energy utilisation," said Bruett. "You're talking most the natural biological procedure of the brute because they are ruminant, so they're naturally going to produce methane. You lot're dealing with row crops and how those crops are managed, particularly in environments where we're feeding cattle grain the last 70 to xc days of their life. Going up through the chain, yous're also dealing with the environmental footprint of the factories that are producing the animal.

"And then we're getting more now into these boys' side of the business," he says, referring to the McDonald'due south executives sitting in the room where we're talking. "What happens to the ultimate disposition of the production, the nutrient waste, how the product is packaged and presented to consumers."

The (cow) boys from Brazil

Bruett's visitor, JBS, began in the 1950s as a pocket-sized, family-endemic farm. Its current CEO, Wesley Mendonça Batista, is the son of the founder. Although publicly traded, the family all the same has sway.

JBS has had ample experience with sustainability issues in its home land. Its sustainability initiatives, said Bruett, were "led by our headquarters in São Paulo, and information technology was based around a number of issues, but Amazon deforestation was certainly one of them. The Amazon is a cultural icon, and that culture needs to exist protected. We source a lot of our product in areas around the Amazon. So, ensuring that we had a traceable system to ensure that we weren't promoting deforestation was a priority for the family."

Brazil is the earth's largest beef producer, measured by the number of commercial cattle — about 200 1000000 head, slightly more cows than people. (India has more than cows, but doesn't slaughter equally many due to religious restrictions.) The country'southward beefiness producers started thinking near sustainable beef every bit early as 2007, said Daniel Boer, Latin America poly peptide director for McDonald's, who I met during a recent visit to São Paulo. It was at that time that Grupo de Trabalho da Pecuária Sustentável, the Brazilian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, was formed. "The roundtable was created basically to release the pressure on the deforestation on the north of Brazil, the Amazon area," says Boer. With growing pressure from activists and customers, "the industry created this roundtable to offset to talk about sustainable beef."

Nigh 70 percent of Brazil'due south beef stays in the land. The 30 percent that's exported goes primarily to Europe. (The U.South. bans imports of Brazilian beef because of differences in vaccination for human foot-and-oral fissure disease. Final month, however, the U.S. Agriculture Department proposed opening limited imports from Brazil.) About 96 percent of all Brazilian cows are entirely grass-fed throughout their lives.

Boer said that it's taken a while for farmers to warm to the roundtable. "In the showtime when the roundtable was created in Brazil, we had a lot of pushback from the farmers because they stay in the field and they'd say, 'You never come here. You don't know how to produce a cow, and you come up here with a checklist and requite it to me.' It's easy to criticize and hard to produce. They told u.s., 'Nosotros don't want one more rule. We are tired.'" Boer added, "We take really, really big conflicts inside the roundtable." The roundtable has 5 sub-teams focusing on animal welfare, intensive agriculture techniques, pasture management and other problems.

The issues can be thorny. "Deforestation in Brazil is legal," explained Boer. "And yous have different biomes — the Amazon biome, the Pantanal biome — where yous have different rules for deforestation. Within the Amazon biome, for example, you tin can deforest 20 percentage of your land past law. You should keep lxxx percent of your state as a forest. But Greenpeace is pushing for zero deforestation."

As the roundtable has connected its work, attitudes are irresolute. "We accept a farmers association that saw the future," said Boer. "They saw that it will bring a do good to them and they are really engaged. They realize that sustainability is of import to promote Brazilian beefiness and have access to more customers."

Boer pointed to a success story about a McDonald's beef supplier in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, one of the principal cattle-producing areas, a few hundred miles northwest of where we were sitting in São Paulo. "You lot run across a belongings with eighty percent of country conservation, with Indians living there, with the animals."

"There's a lot of work correct at present in Brazil to decouple beefiness production from deforestation," explained WWF'southward Clay. "The former governor of Mato Grosso has shown that in Brazil, y'all can double beef production and double soybean production on the country that's already been cleared. You lot don't have to articulate any more land. It's more about efficiency and what has come to be called sustainable intensification; information technology'due south actually just working the country more than efficiently and producing more with less."

Boer believes the earth is prepare to hear more than sustainable beefiness stores, at least from his country. "I think in the next couple of years Brazil will start to speak loud about the work that nosotros are doing here. We are prepared, and at present I think the time has arrived to speak to the world and invite everybody to see our work. And everybody's really proud about that."

Creating a global voice

The early piece of work to reduce beef's impact in Brazil, Australia, Europe and elsewhere created an obvious opportunity for McDonald's and others: Leverage and propagate the good work already existence done, and spur fifty-fifty more collaboration. "Nosotros got together with several folks and said, 'Allow's create a forum where we can accept an open, transparent dialogue for whoever may want to come up and discuss this effect,'" said Bruett. "That includes agitators and people who don't think we should consume beef. Invite them all to a global conference in Denver, and let'southward identify the key issues that are impacting beef sustainability now and in the future.'"

I matter Bruett understood from the offset was that "we wanted to avoid the mistake that I recollect a lot of the other global groups that are attempting to dialogue on this consequence: Information technology'll just be corporations or just NGOs, and producers aren't asked to participate. They're asked to brand changes on their operation, but they're not asked to participate in the process. Nosotros weren't going to make any progress unless the entire chain was involved in whatsoever we did.

"So, information technology couldn't just be the McDonald's and the JBSes of the world, and we'll decree what sustainability means. Information technology'due south going to take to involve those who grow the animals, those that feed the animals, those that procedure the animals, those that eat the animals, and then those NGOs and ecology groups and social groups who have interests in the issues that pertain to that supply chain."

Coming out of the Denver meeting, the grouping took steps to class an organisation — the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, or GRSB. The group looked to similar efforts in other commodities — the Round Table on Responsible Soy and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, for instance. Just there were some large differences between beef, on the ane hand, and soy and palm oil on the other. "Those commodities can only be grown in certain parts of the globe in very temperate climates," said Bruett, who serves as GRSB'south president along with his day chore at JBS USA. "Then their systems are very akin no affair where they are in the earth. The divergence between our grouping and some of these other roundtables is that their ultimate goal was to create a standard or a seal or something where you could say, 'This is sustainable. This is non.' That was never really our goal."

Instead, he said, "we wanted to kind of chalk the boundary lines of what we thought sustainability meant, and empower people with the tools to improve their operations, improve their livelihood, improve their social performance to ultimately improve the whole value concatenation."

GRSB began its life in early on 2012, but took most of that twelvemonth to get organized — the usual legal and governance stuff. Things actually got going in 2013, as the roundtable hosted regional sustainability workshops in cattle-producing regions of the U.S. — in Billings, Mont.; Lubbock, Texas; and Omaha, Neb. — intended to expose participants to perspectives from various parts of the beef industry ecosystem. The workshops included field tours to cattle ranches, feedlots and packing and processing operations of the beefiness supply concatenation.

During the by yr, the grouping as well began earthworks into the Big Question: How do you ascertain sustainable beef?

"Our idea was, permit'due south scope out five to 10 critical areas that we think no matter where you lot are in the world producing beef and no matter what part of the supply concatenation you're involved in, you lot should exist addressing these areas," said Bruett. "And if you are addressing those areas in whatsoever manner is suitable for your area, you are on the path to continuous improvement. You are on the path to sustainability."

The side by side step was to accept a wide definition and empower regional areas to translate how those principles and criteria make sense to that item ecosystem, given the regulatory structure and social environment. The goal, said Bruett, was a system "where the entire chain had shared responsibility, shared ownership and wanted to help all of the segments perform better to ultimately ameliorate the overall beefiness sustainability."

The group identified half dozen cardinal principles, along with criteria that articulate the intent in each area. So, for example, a principle on practices that minimize negative impacts on air quality throughout the beef value concatenation might include criteria that chronicle specifically to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from farming operations.

GRSB members approved the draft principles and criteria certificate in mid-December and distributed information technology internally for comment. The plan is to revise the certificate based on comments, then effect a version for public comment in March. "We understand that'south going to generate a lot of interest, but I'm personally committed to making certain nosotros look at each comment, answer to each one to run into how we tin amend that definition," Bruett told me.

Following a final circular of revisions, the document will be submitted to the GRSB membership for a vote in Baronial, at the second Global Conference on Sustainable Beef, in São Paulo. "And then nosotros'll go about the business of applying that on a regional basis to drive on-the-ground comeback," said Bruett. "At the terminate of the day, that's what the roundtable is all almost. If you merely plant a definition and put it out on Wikipedia, what have you done?"

Sustainability for the masses?

So, will McDonald'due south be able to drive this standard through its massive global supply chain? Bruett, for one, thinks the visitor stands a good chance.

"What some organizations volition do is take a nebulous concept like sustainability and force it on the supply chain. I recall because McDonald's has such a practiced relationship with their suppliers, they've taken the opposite approach. Rather than viewing that big, nebulous concept and forcing information technology on a business, they look at it from the concern view — how sustainability can make a concern a superior performer. So rather than coming in with this checklist and maxim, 'Hey, Joe, yous've got to practise this, this and that, and then you're sustainable, and then you tin supply to u.s.,' it's more of 'How exercise we brand your business organization a more assisting, more than responsible entity that aligns with our cadre values?' That will better the entire concatenation."

He continued, putting on his JBS chapeau. "McDonald'south is out on ranches, they're out at feedlots, they're in my packing houses. They're trying to sympathize the drivers that brand my business organisation a success. Non all of my partners do that. In that location are other companies that but will call and say, 'Hey, Cameron, hither is my sustainability worksheet. I demand yous to give me this data past Friday. It's Thursday afternoon.' And some of the questions that are asked reveal a fundamental misunderstanding of what I do, what makes me profitable, what makes me a viable business concern enterprise. It'due south the antithesis of sustainability."

Anybody I talked with for this series is quick to point out that it's early on days in the industry'due south quest for sustainable beef. McDonald'due south and other large beef buyers will face up a long and probable arduous road to reach their sustainability goals — and fifty-fifty to determine what those goals should exist. In that location are countless unknowns.

That reality doesn't seem to worry Bob Langert, McDonald'southward vice president, global sustainability, when I asked whether a fast-food visitor could get a cardinal influencer in promoting sustainability to the masses. He sees his company's quest for sustainable beefiness as a key part of the McDonald'due south brand.

"Sustainability should not exist some sort of niche, premium, actress-cost endeavor that's for a very narrow segment of lodge that has enough means and wealth to buy sustainability," he responded. "The fact is, sustainability belongs in the masses."

Last in a 3-part series. Read Office ane: Exclusive: Within McDonald's quest for sustainable beef. Function 2:  How a Big Mac becomes sustainable.

Photocollage of moo-cow parts by GreenBiz Group


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